1. Do cigars get you high?
Cigars do not get you high, however, you might feel a nicotine buzz if they are the strong kind.
2. Do you inhale cigars?
No, Cigars are designed to be enjoyed, not to deliver a quick fix of nicotine in your bloodstream like cigarettes do.
3. How long is a cigar good for?
A good cigar will last from a week or two and “forever”, depending on the proper storage of it.
4. Can you store a cigar in the refrigerator?
No, the cool air of the refrigerator will dry your cigar out in no time.
5. How can you keep your cigar fresh if you don't have a humidor?
You can use a zip top freezer bag with a damp sponge or paper towel and make sure it is sealed tightly, storage in a not so dry place.
6. Are cigars rollers highly skilled?
A Cigar roller must have experience in order to produce a good rolled cigar. They are capable to produce more than 200 cigars per day and as a quick note; in Spanish they are called “Torcedor”
7. What is the proper humidity for cigars?
Anywhere from 65% to 70 % humidity.
8. Who invented the Cuban cigars?
It is believed that the cigar was invented by the ancient Mayans who would wrap the tobacco in a palm leaf and smoke it.
9. Should you smoke a cigar halfway only, is this true?
The golden rule is that cigar is done whenever you are no longer enjoying it, but as a general rule, we smoke our cigars about half to two-thirds of the way down. The cigar gets hotter and more powerful and the flavor changes as you get near the cigar’s head.
10. How do I choose the cigar if I am a beginner?
We suggest that you start with the lightest kind of cigar and move your way up to the strongest ones.